Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Arm Cast Fashion, 1 of 2

As I wrote about in my last post, I have had a cast on my left arm since Saturday... until today! Due to the type of break, my orthopedic doctor removed my Emergency Room cast this morning and did not give me a new one. I'm super excited to be able to have use of both hands, and that it won't affect my clothing choices any longer. Three days of dressing around my cast was MORE than enough. I'm sure I'll still have some issues with getting dressed (i.e. tying shoes), but I now have a lot more options. But I will have to wear the sling for a while still.

All that said, here is one of the outfits I wore with the cast.

This photo is flipped.... took it with a webcam
On Monday, I realized I needed something sleeveless in order for it to be able to go over the cast. I also realized I would never be able to pull up tights one-handed, and I own ZERO pairs of dress pants. So, I grabbed this dress from eShakti and a coordinating striped cardigan I picked up at Forever 21 when I was at Mall of America last spring, and used a plain pair of leggings to keep warm (much easier to pull up!).

My mom helped me put together a couple of sweater clips so that my cardigans would stay on when I couldn't fit my arm in the left sleeve. We got chain and clips from our local Michael's, and also grabbed this cute mustache charm to decorate. We just used jump rings to attach the piece of chain to the clips. It was very easy, and can easily be done in a much more elaborate fashion. I just needed something quick.

My shoe options are limited because of the fact that I can't pull them on or tie the laces. It hurts really badly, even now without the cast. I bought these shoes last February, and they have gone through a lot. The left shoe (above, again the picture is flipped) has lost most of it's rhinestones, but the right shoe has only lost 3 or 4. So weird. I own nicer flats, but it's still snowing in Chicago, so I didn't want to ruin anything that was still nice. I also own very few pairs of plain socks, and they are all dirty or something. I have no idea where they are, and little capacity to look for them.

Tonight, I am looking forward to washing my own hair, though I still won't be able to set it like I prefer. I think I need to get a volumizing gel or mousse on my way home.

Outfit details:
Dress - eShakti, no longer available (similar)
Cardigan - Forever 21, was never able to find it online 
Shoes - Dots, no longer available (similar, from elsewhere)

Monday, March 3, 2014


Two days ago, I broke my first non-toe bone since birth. I fell while roller skating for my nieces' combined birthday part (9 and 4). I had gone around the rink a couple of times and was stepping off to rest a bit, and slipped on the little ramp between the rink and the carpet. My feet rolled out from under me. While I wasn't trying to catch myself, I fell so quickly that I couldn't get my hand out of the way. I ended up slamming my left palm on the ground with my wrist at a 90 degree angle.

Here's the thing: it hurt, but I thought it was maybe just a sprained wrist. I kept skating. Not only did I skate, but I also pushed my 4 year-old niece around with her "skatemate" (pictured below) and held my 7 month-old niece (not while skating) and carried her around. It wasn't until I tried lifting the baby over my head and couldn't that I realized it might be more serious.

My niece and brother with the "skatemate." Faces removed for privacy.
Then I drove myself and my oldest niece to my brother and sister-in-law's house. When we got there I told my parents, "After we're done here, Mom is driving my and my car to an emergency room." So, that's what we did.

From instagram: First ever ER visit. #toooldforrollerskating #ifell #brokenorsprained?
Got both my elbow and my wrist x-rayed and then waited. Turns out I broke my radial head, much like the image below.

So yay, I have a temporary cast now! I go to my primary care doctor today to get a referral to an orthopedic doctor so I can figure out what's next and how long my elbow will be immobilized.

My shirt was wet from them setting the plaster splint that is holding my elbow in place.
From instagram: Broken radial head (near elbow). Temporary cast and pain killers. #firstbrokenbone
So I've been trying to remain comfortable and taking my painkillers. I've also had to figure out how to dress so that I can actually dress myself and go to the bathroom as needed. Last night, I went to a local Great Clips to get my hair washed since I can't do it myself. I'll be posting some Outfits of the Day with my cast so people can see how I've solved the problem of dressing around the cast. Hopefully I won't have it for long.

Sunshine and cupcakes,